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This is the thing with Short Right Leg Syndrome...nobody knows about it.


The story I hear repeatedly from clients suffering years, decades or a lifetime of pain, dysfunction and injury from a minor structural leg length discrepancy is THEY DO NOT KNOW THEY HAVE DIFFERENT LENGTH LEGS. The many medico's and therapists they have consulted have not assessed them for it. They have never been told. No one has ever shown them. is readily demonstrated and easily seen with their own eyes. They can feel the compensating patterns through their body as the therapist palpates.

This is my story too. I have a minor structural leg length discrepancy never identified by any physical trainer, coach, therapist or doctor in over six decades on the planet. Elite level athletic training throughout my 50's culminated in catastrophic lumbro-sacral injury. A gradual decline in lower limb function ensued. At times I walked like Frankenstein.

I sought treatment for lower back and lower limb symptoms. Consulting two GP's, one Osteo, one Chiro, one Body Builder (6x IFBB champion), two Remedial Therapists, including one visit to hospital for ultrasound assessment. Not once was structural leg length assessed. This is typical.

In a world where it is a dominant genetic trait to have a structurally short right leg, it is perplexing to me the therapeutic world is ignorant of the fact and overlook the blatantly obvious effects of the condition. While leg length discrepancies may be small, the effect on the body is magnified.

There are two signature elevated left hip and an elevated right shoulder. There are three cardinal signs common to all cases...the left hip in anterior rotation while the right hip is level, rigidity at the right hip accompanied by a tight Adductor Longus, and; right leaning pelvic tilt and mild scoliosis with right convexity through the thoracic. Direct comparison of relative leg lengths is easily carried out by several physical tests and measurements or by x-ray examination. Beyond these common effects there are a raft of conditions and effects throughout the body. Mild symptoms follow a general pattern within which acute symptoms may develop.

Massage Works Dandenong Ranges

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Simon Crittenden
18 First Avenue
Cockatoo VIC 3781

mbl  0416 268 255
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