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Leg Length Discrepancy and Short Right Leg Syndrome - Overview

Leg Length Discrepancy affects the upper body through mild Scoliosis and the lower limbs through Lumbro-Sacral and Hip dysfunction. It is the underlying cause for the vast majority of clients presenting for treatment in my practice. Assessing relative leg lengths of all clients, I find the majority have a structurally short right leg. The bones of one leg are longer than the bones of the other. However, lying on the treatment table, their ankles usually align. This is not so unbelievable considering we stand on flat ground. If there is a leg length discrepancy the ground does not move to accommodate it...look higher up the body. Permanent distortion and tilt occurs at the pelvis. This transfers to the spine causing mild scoliosis. Even or near even leg length is uncommon. Short left legs are rare, sighting only three instances to date, all of whom were injured in their youth presumably stunting growth of that leg. This is Short Right Leg Syndrome (SRLS).

There are Two Signature elevated left hip and an elevated right shoulder. There are Three Cardinal Signs...the left hip in anterior rotation while the right hip is level; rigidity at the right hip accompanied by a tight Adductor Longus; and mild right leaning scoliosis. Beyond these common effects there are a raft of conditions and effects throughout the body. Mild symptoms follow a general pattern within which acute symptoms may develop. Maintaining a high degree of flexibility through the Pelvis and good muscle tone is preventative. Overlaying Lumbro-Sacral or Pelvic injury compounds the condition.

We are born this way...midwives commenting to new mothers about high level cases. Owing to the flexibility of infants and juveniles, it is of little concern until adolescent growth spurts accentuate the leg length discrepancy. The condition is more prominent as we age beyond the lifespan of our prehistoric ancestors, becoming sedentary and less flexible. My theory...Short Right Leg Syndrome is a dominant genetic trait in Homo Sapiens. It is the result of evolutionary adaptation giving a mother and child a greater chance of survival in prehistoric times.

The nature of the condition and assessment methods I describe are rudimentary. Interpreting effect on the body utilising Eastern concepts of energetic/Qi flow is advanced and gives insight to conditions that are poorly understood by conventional therapists. Considering the condition in its totality is complex. The biomechanical effect of pelvic tilt causing mild scoliosis of the spine is easy to imagine. However, when taking into account energetic/Qi flow, the effects of SRLS causing an energetic block at the pelvis are wide ranging through the musculo-skeletal system and may also impact internal metabolic health

Keywords and Concepts: Leg Length Discrepancy; Structurally Short Right Leg; Evolutionary Adaptation that gave Mother and Child Greater Chance of Survival in Prehistoric Times; Two Signature Traits - Elevated Left Hip and Elevated Right Shoulder; Three Cardinal Signs - Anterior Rotation Left Hip, Rigid Right Hip, and Mild Scoliosis; Biomechanical Effects; Right Leaning Pelvic Tilt Frontal Plane; Uncomfortable Standing; Anterior Rotation Left Hip; Unconscious Anatomic Adjustment to Functionally Shorten Longer Left Leg; Left SIJ Tightly Bound; Spanish Windlass Effect; Left SIJ Dysfunction, Pain, Injury, Instability; Right Leaning Pelvic Tilt; Mild Scoliosis; Lumbar Spine Geometrically Misaligned; Wedge Shape Disk Spacing; Right Sided Lumbar Disk Bulge; Low Back Pain; Structurally Short Right Leg; Pendulum Effect on Gait; Hesitant Right Footfall; Rigidity About Right Hip and Tight Adductor Magnus; Postural Misalignment Causing Soft Tissue Tightness Blocks Energy/Qi Flow; First Order Energetic Effects affect Mobility; Proximal Block Having a Distal Effect; Subtle Thickening and Tightening; Plantar Fasciitis; Compartment Syndrome; Piriformis Syndrome; Achilles Calf and Hamstring Tightness, Pain, Dysfunction and Injury; Right Hip, SIJ and Lumbar Region Rigidity; Rehabilitation Strengthening and Stretching; Heel Lift Treatment; Heel Lift Adjustment Not a Function of Leg Length Difference; No Formula For Determining Adjustment Amount; Adjustment Amount is a Question of How Much Adjustment Will the Body Accept; This is a Trial and Error Approach and is Typically Between 3mm and 5mm; Second Order Energetic Effects affect Metabolic Health; Impacting Digestion and Fertility; Second Order Effects Beyond my Scope of Practice

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