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Why Consider Remedial Therapy

The Remedial Therapy I practice is a fusion of the fundamentals of Physiotherapy and knowledge of the effects of energetic Qi flow. A fusion of East and West giving insight to conditions not well understood by conventional therapists.

Energetically, the principle factor at play is a proximal block at hip or shoulder has a distal effect in the limb. Conditions discussed in our university training for which we were not given a treatment plan nor timeline to resolution, such as, Plantar Fasciitis, Compartment Syndrome or Piriformis Syndrome in the lower limbs and Repetitive Strain Injury or Carpal Tunnel in the upper limbs are frequently the result of this effect.

Even in the event of Lumbar injury, assessment of structural Leg Length is not considered in medical examination. A structurally Short Right Leg is a dominant genetic trait and with few exceptions we are all affected by it to some degree impacting the Pelvis, Lower Limbs and Spine. This postural anomaly characterised by Two Signature Traits and Three Cardinal Signs generates chronic strain on the soft tissue of the Pelvis and Lumbro-Sacral region. Short Right Leg Syndrome is responsible for many mobility issues and is unknown or dismissed by conventional therapists. Flexibility through the pelvis is preventative. Where chronic symptoms are experienced, use of an adjusting heel lift under the structurally short leg is considered and often proves to be extraordinarily therapeutic.

Bringing understanding of energetic Qi flow to assessment, results beyond expectation are achieved. It is often key to understanding dysfunction, pain and injury in our body. While I may speak much about energy…the treatment is typically very physical. There are no incantations or invocations. I do not discount energetic and spiritual healing practices but no amount of these overcomes a pelvic block caused by the chronic strain of a postural anomaly.

Delving deeper reveals the connection between emotion, energetic Qi flow and the state of soft tissue discussed in my articles on the Heart and Wholistic Massage Therapy. An aspect of therapy clearing postural and fascial blockages enables energetic Qi flow to move smoothly, taking with it the burden of accumulated emotional trauma. This is fundamental to all massage therapy.


Have you been assessed for structural leg length discrepancy?


…and I do not mean a cursory glance at the ankles. Of course they are aligned. We walk on flat ground. If there is a difference in leg length, the ground does not move to accommodate it, look higher to the Pelvis and Hips.

While I encounter the occasional juvenile or young adult affected by Short Right Leg Syndrome, it typically begins to have a greater impact as we age…becoming sedentary, heavier and stiffer and compounded by Lumbro-Sacral injury. The body’s response to the right leaning pelvic tilt are the three Cardinal Signs of SRLS…anterior rotation of the left hip, rigidity at the right hip, and mild scoliosis of the spine. Living with it all our life, it is a subtle thing and we are usually unaware of it. We have not been assessed for structural leg length discrepancy and we have not been told we have a short leg. It leads to a raft of lower limb and spinal conditions. In the most advanced stages leg function degenerates accompanied by overwhelming rheumatic knee pain, Bladder meridian pain through the right lower limb, and fluid retention in the ankles and feet. They begin to move like Frankenstein. Advanced stage cases are rare in my practice but I am sure if I were to frequent retirement homes I would sight more. Lower level cases with acute pain and dysfunction through the spine and/or lower limbs are common.


It is all about the energy. Biomechanical and neurological impact from SRLS is minimal and typically disregarded by conventional therapists. The body will adapt, they say. However, the chronic strain on soft tissue of the pelvis and spine blocks energetic Qi flow and proves to be the underlying cause for these conditions that are not fully understood.

Symptomatically, flexibility through the Pelvis is preventative…the committed Yoga practitioner or dancer manages well…many of us do not have this dedication or the physical capacity to do so. Massage, acupuncture, cupping, adjustments and other therapies give limited temporary relief. Rehab exercise and treatment is beneficial but in the presence of chronic pain and acute injury it is almost like we always have to insert a small adjusting heel lift under the short leg.

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