Massage Works Dandenong Ranges
Draping Protocol on the Treatment Table
Heavy draping is employed at all times in my practice. This applies to both clothed and unclothed clients. Essentially, only uncovering those areas of the body being treated at that moment and replacing before moving to the next area. I do a significant amount of work through towelling for the benefit of grip to enhance technique and/or skin protection afforded the client.
The main massage towel I use is a large 95cm x 190cm heavy weight 650gsm towel specially made for massage therapy supplied by Simba Towels. Standard bath towels and hand towels are also used where additional coverage is needed. Hand towels are brought into play, for instance, when stretching the neck's back line (protects anterior aspect of shoulder being pressed down as head is lifted up) or using an arm as lever into the shoulder performing Indirect Fascial Release.
There are treatments carried out to lower limbs, hips, torso or shoulders with the client in side lying on the table. This requires additional draping to maintain modesty about the chest of female clients. The large massage towel is supplemented by cross draping with a bath towel over the body and under the exposed upper arm. Pulled up under the arm and to the chin, provides generous draping across chest and back of the client and eliminates awkwardness and embarrassment they might otherwise feel undergoing this physical treatment.
When carrying out the Shoulder Treatment Protocol, a considerable amount of work is done using the arm as a lever into the torso in side lying. I employ a hand towel along the length of the arm from wrist to shoulder. Apart from benefit to grip and technique, reducing skin on skin contact in this procedure is preferable on several levels. This is not a massage technique. On completion of the side lying work, I typically leave the extra bath towel in place across the chest when moving back into supine on the table. Clients do take comfort in the additional weight and coverage.
The amount of laundry generated by draping is considerable. Towelling used in two treatment sessions fills the 10kg front loader in the clinic laundry. More than four sessions daily becomes a burden in the laundry.