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Treatment Expectations

There are many misconceptions about massage therapy. A common expectation would seem to be that it is just a whole lot of blissful rubbing. While I can do that, as a therapeutic practitioner, if someone starts pointing to various parts of their anatomy describing chronic pain, dysfunction and injury...and trust me, this is the norm...there will be assessment, postural anomalies will be demonstrated, plus educational discussion on causation factors little known to conventional therapists, and some treatment provided. These initial treatment sessions can be an extended duration.

Assessment is not necessarily time consuming. More time is needed to describe, demonstrate and educate. The fusion of East and West I practice incorporates knowledge of energetic Qi flow and its effects on the body. In a large number of cases a structural leg length discrepancy is contributing to the condition. It is simple but sometimes baffling to those not familiar with these ideas. This is not common knowledge and it is unknown to the therapeutic community generally.

Treatment will initially focus on acute aspects of the condition. This can be disappointing to those who are expecting blissful rubbing. That can come later but should someone present with chronic low back pain from pelvic tilt, tight upper back and shoulder with headaches from mild scoliosis, or be experiencing lower limb gluteal, hamstring, calf, Achilles or plantar fascia issues, or Repetitive Strain Injury in the forearm and elbow, or Carpal Tunnel in the wrist and hand...I have effective treatments for these conditions. Often achieving rapid resolution with outcomes beyond expectation attending to structural and postural anomalies impacting energetic Qi flow.

While the scope of practice for Remedial Therapy is pain, dysfunction and injury affecting mobility, it is well known there are beneficial side effects to internal health and vitality from massage treatment. This is better understood considering there are twelve bilateral organ or acupuncture meridian channels described by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Removing postural strain and releasing soft tissue tightness with Remedial Massage Therapy improves energetic Qi flow through these channels. This has a direct consequence on health as internal organ function improves with increased energy flow.

Post Massage Effects

There are varying treatment approaches guided by the nature of the client's condition. There are instances where it is a stronger Relaxation focus dealing with emotional/neurological/energetic factors. However, the majority of cases require postural correction, clearing entrenched fascial tightness and restriction impacting energetic Qi flow. There will be a degree of Relaxation in these treatments can be powerful...but there will also be strong physical work carried out that will generate temporary discomfort following treatment.

• The first massage is the most intense.

• Lymphatic Drainage accelerates the flow of lymphatic fluid & toxic detritus from lymphatic nodes & capillaries to the blood stream. It is common to temporarily feel unwell following this treatment.

• Deep Tissue Therapy stirring deep recesses of our flesh releases toxins into the blood stream and may cause feeling of unwellness until eliminated by kidneys. Generally occurs morning after 1st massage...drink plenty water.

• Tight muscles released will be sore for few days. When pain passes condition, strength & flexibility will be improved.

• These effects are temporary & diminish or disappear altogether as condition improves with subsequent massage treatment.

• It is part of the healing process. Clearing postural anomalies, eliminating energetic blockages improves mobility and internal health. There are instances of advanced cases facing the prospect of retirement regaining strength and vitality enabling them to continue active life. The therapeutic power of massage practised in this manner is unknown to the community generally.

Massage Works Dandenong Ranges

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Simon Crittenden
18 First Avenue
Cockatoo VIC 3781

mbl  0416 268 255
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