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Low Back Pain - Remedial Therapy

Contributory factors in low back pain cases are:

• Pelvic tilt, strain and distortion from structural leg length discrepancy;

• Postural anomalies developed through poor physical development and imbalanced activity levels;

• Current or historic lumbro-sacral injury;

• Energetic Kidney deficiency resulting from poor lifestyle habits and/or the effects of structural leg length generating a pelvic block impacting the Bladder meridian.

Assessment Observations:

• Hip alignment in Sagittal plane;

• Palpate SIJ’s for tenderness and pain;

• Assess relative positions of ASIS’s, Greater Trochanters and Malleolus left vs right in Frontal plane indicating comparative structural leg length discrepancy;

• Determine convexity of spinal alignment through the Thoracic and degree of associated dysfunction through upper quadrants of back...right convexity loading and straining upper right quadrant and left convexity the upper left;

• Note spinal Lordosis, Kyphosis and head carriage;

• Assess for rigidity through pelvis tractioning lower limbs from the ankles in supine;

• Assess muscle tone and pain palpating Piriformis, Gluteals, QL’s, spinal erectors, Rhomboids, Upper Trapezius, Occipitals, Hamstrings, Calves determining prominence of Lower Limb Mechanisms;

• Assess Hip Flexor tightness;

• Preliminary assessment for Kidney deficiency through pulse diagnosis and noting presence of accompanying symptoms of anxiety, dry mouth, constipation, insomnia, and aching lower back.


• Upper/Lower Back, Glute and Hamstring massage;

• Clear tightness and pain through Bladder meridian choke points at QL’s and Iliac Crests;

• Myofascial stretch through spinal erectors.

• Apply static Chinese Cupping, lower back pattern plus Hamstrings (BL37), Calves (BL57), Popliteal (BL40, avoid in the presence of Baker's Cyst);

• Slide or static Cupping spinal erectors through to Levator Scapulae insertion to Superior Angle of the Scapula;

• Psoas release if required;

• Indirect Fascial Release through hips using lower limb as a levers;

• Facilitated stretching Hips, Glutes, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings;

• Consideration for supplementary strengthening and stretching exercise to correct postural anomalies and increase flexibility;

• Consideration for Heel Lift Treatment in the presence of structural leg length discrepancy;

• Consideration for referral to Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner for assessment and treatment of Kidney deficiency.

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